Our StorY

What drives us?

. . . . . Simplicity (there is always beauty in simplicity)

• Simplicity of use

• Simplicity in learning about the products

• Simplicity in getting questions answered

• Simplicity in purchase and support

What’S Your Goal? Why Do this?

Becauase I enjoy it! Retroman has been around for about 22 years now and I have always followed one guiding message: if its not making you smile, what’s the point.

My greatest reward has been the kind words of happy customers, whether from a stage or a bedroom studio.

Why can’t i get your stuff at (fill in the retailer)?

Well, this goes back to that goal - being happy at what you do. I find the direct contact with (and feedback from) every single customer is what feeds me . . and think of this: in over 20 years, none of my work has ever been sold to someone with whom I had not exchanged emails or phone calls. That contact and exchange is what makes us human - and what is more of a human endeavor than music . . . .

Who makes your stuff? A mad band of gremlins?

Actually, it’s just me -

I do 100% of the work on every item - I etch the boards, place and solder the parts, wire the pedals, source everything personally, drill/paint/finish the cases . . . and Mrs. Retroman makes the cool cloth bags that you all love and have come with every pedal since day 1 (she’s pretty great).

Why Would i choose retroman?

Because you want a 100% handbuilt, no BS bullet-proof pedal with the greatest tone available. I have yet to sell any pedal . . . have you ever seen an advert for Retroman? Nope - never have advertised. I employ a 100% volunteer word-of-mouth sales force made up of happy customers - I am truly humbled and honored by this.